Winter 2025
As we step into this new year of ministry together, I want to express my gratitude for your partnership with Resource Health. Because of your generous support, we’ve been able to serve and impact an incredible number of lives in profound ways this past year.
As we reflect on 2024, it was a year of change for Resource Health. Our long-term CEO, Kathy Edwards, resigned. I am incredibly honored to step into this position following our fearless leader, Kathy. Kathy has told us for years that Rachel House, now Resource Health, belongs to the Lord. It’s His ministry- He’s the one who builds this house, and we are working with Him to bring about life-saving and life-changing work.
In 2024, through God’s grace and your commitment, we served 3,596 clients, including:
1,550 women
621 men
1,168 babies
99% of our clients were within our target audience: ABM (abortion-minded) or ABV (abortion-vulnerable).
84% of clients who received an ultrasound through Resource Health chose life for their baby.
This resulted in a confirmed 1,036 babies
lives’ saved through our efforts together! This incredible impact is made possible through your faithful prayers, giving, and support.
As always, we continue to prioritize spiritual care for every client. Many were served through gospel conversations and prayer during their first visit, and many more engaged in our educational programs designed to support their journey toward thriving.
As we reflect on these accomplishments, we’re filled with hope for what this year has in store. Our mission remains unwavering: saving and changing lives. Together, we’ll continue building on this foundation, strengthening our programs, and extending our reach to serve even more individuals and families in need.
We are excited to see what 2025 will bring! On the heels of the passing of Amendment 3, we know there are significant challenges for the state of Missouri, but we are ready to follow Jesus into the things He has for Resource Health Services!
Thank you for standing with us. Your partnership is a vital part of this ministry, and we are deeply grateful for your role in saving lives, restoring hope, and advancing God’s Kingdom.
Julia Andersen
MomStrong™ Mentoring Coordinator
Lee's Summit
I began serving at Resource Health in 2020, a month before the onset of Covid-19. As challenging as it was to teach a newer program during a pandemic, serving our clients has helped shape my understanding of my purpose God has set before me. Supporting young mothers and fostering healthy parenting has become a passion for me. I see the importance of educating, supporting, and giving hope to our clients during the early stages of parenting and beyond.
My favorite part of the job is seeing clients apply the skills learned in classes and noticing the positive impact on their relationships with their children. They’re learning to connect with their children in ways that creates harmony and unity in their homes.
Resource Health not only offers support through pregnancy but beyond and into the journey of motherhood with our Mentoring Program. We’re meeting the needs of parents and offering practical solutions to help them become more present and capable of raising the next generation. It’s truly an honor to work at Resource Health knowing we’re making a positive impact on families.

Client Story
Katrina's Story:
Finding Hope In a Difficult Season
When “Katrina” walked through our doors, she was overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. Homeless and facing an unplanned pregnancy, she felt scared and alone, unsure how she could provide for another child. During her first visit, Katrina received an ultrasound, and as she saw her baby, her perspective began to shift. With the guidance and support of our compassionate team, Katrina heard about God’s love for her.
When she returned for a second ultrasound the following week, she was a new person! Where before, she had spoken of her disillusionment at work, having seen her new baby on that ultrasound screen, work took on a new meaning and significance.
Today, Katrina is thriving, equipped with confidence and hope for her future. She often shares how the care and resources she received through Resource Health made all the difference. “I didn’t think I could do this, but now I know I can,” she said with a smile. Stories like Katrina’s remind us of the impact we can have together, offering hope, life, and the love of Christ to those in need.
Hear Megan, one of our nurses, share Katrina’s story below.